Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Band sShooowwW!! Free! Saturday at Fort Gallery in Oakland... (from Wu)

Sometimes I might do this thing where I post other people's emails, as it's best to keep it in their words... So here's Wu's message on this awesome show....

Whoa. Second Annual NEwwwww BAannnd SHoooooOOoW!!! This Saturday May, 1st at 8pm at FORT Gallery, 683 26th st. at MLK, Oakland. At least 8 awesom new bands (though the sets will be short) plus gigantic film installation by Professor Tooth and Chairman wu....

bands like:

death rattle
rainbow rescue beam
unknamed band number 1
unnamed band number 2
unamed band number 3
unamed band nubmer 4
snag (maybe)

you will be blown out of the water by this storm of talent overtaking your senses. or something. just come. free. at least seriously consider it. it will probably be the coolest thing that night. yah!!!.

for info: wuli leung

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