Thursday, November 20, 2008

thanksgiving potluck & yoga retreat, conspiracy of venus shows, farm workdays

dear friends,

in this events update, i'm including an especially big collection of things to do. the list starts w/ today (thursday) & goes into december! don't be intimidated by it though, it's not really that long, & december is not that far away...

so please scroll down & mark your calendars as you go.

also, please sign this petition to request Michael Pollan for US Secretary of Agriculture & pass it on!

and, of note: meditation sessions at the yoga loft & axis syllabus dance classes at ODC are happening more frequently, so i didn't add them into the schedule below. i would love it if you emailed me to get details on either.


11-20 thursday
***conspiracy of venus at adobe books for big bell magazine release party. 3166 16th st. between guerrero & valencia streets. around 8:45. readings by bill berkson, leigh gallagher, and sunnylyn thibodeaux. songs will alternate w/ readings. we will sing 3 songs (2 by tom waits + our debut of "aint no sunshine" by bill withers). not sure what time the actual event will start; feel free to arrive earlier. (rsvp here if you have facebook) how are we going to fit? i have no idea.

before &/or after the above event -
**magic leaves cd release, kacey johansing, & jeff manson (i think) at amnesia in the mission. 853 valencia st. between 19th & 20th streets.

11-21 friday
**trainwreck riders w/ Dead Westerners and the Millbrae Bros. at irelands 32. 3rd & geary streets. $5. welcome twr back from their tour!!

11-22 saturday
*raw thanksgiving holiday feast class & dinner w/ living foods chef elaina love at the caretaker's house. 3-9pm. mmmmmm.

*alemany farm workday 12-5pm.

*soup & lectures. 552 capp street (between 20 & 21). 7pm. their description: come, eat, and learn as your friends assume a mini-expertise on topics that excite them. lecture 1: "THE LIMITS OF COMPUTATION" presented by paul./ lecture 2: "STELLAR NUCLEOSYNTHESIS TO SIBERIAN DISASTERS" presented by wu li. / lecture 3: "CELESTIAL NAVIGATION" presented by lauren. we'll prepare a wintry soup for you. one dollar donation suggested. attendees leave with handmade booklets, full bellies, and new knowledge. email for more info & to be put on their email list. january's possible topics include giraffes' digestion, tidal patterns, & staining glass. (see attachment)

11-23 sunday
**the entrance band / rodriguez & other folkyeah people at the great american music hall. 8pm. tickets: $17 adv/$19 door.

11-24 monday
*potluck at the caretaker's house. 848 divisadero. 7:30pm - bedtime. weekly.

11-25 tuesday
***community yoga class at the caretaker's house. 848 divisadero. 5:45pm. write to me if you can make it and/or want more details.

11-26 wednesday

**the romane event comedy show at the make-out room. 7-10pm. 225 22nd ST (near the 24th ST BART). this is my neighbor's event!

11-27 thursday! thanksgiving

(i'm leaving their description cuz it's so great -- awesome flyer attached -- worth examining closely)

4pm til whenever!!!!
848 Divisadero @ McAllister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pie contest! Savory dish contest!!
Music! Antics! Hopscotch! Limbo!

11-28 friday to 11-30 sunday
***thanksgiving weekend yoga retreat w/ tony briggs & geoffrey roniger @ westerbake ranch in sonoma.


12-3 wednesday

**people people at the hemlock tavern.

**botticellis at bottom of the hill.

12-5 friday

***conspiracy of venus at oakland art murmur. we're singing outside around 7:30 at 23rd & Telegraph. event (art walk) starts around 6pm.

12-6 saturday

**yoga loft workshop: home practice & personal studies w/ jason crandell. 12:30-6pm.

**international day of action on climate change

*fundraiser music show at the caretaker's house. to raise $ for solar tubing. bands/details to be determined.

12-7 sunday
***alemany farm workday 12-5pm.

12-13 saturday
**eco-craft-gift sale on my front porch. w/ exciting things made by ronnie, letty, & isabelle. details on the way.

**conspiracy of venus opens for evening empire at the house of shields in sf. around 9pm.



a couple more things:

1) i'm trying a new (ridiculous) coding system just for fun & to make it easier to coordinate plans for meeting up.

*** - i plan to go
** - maybe i'm going
* - i'm probably not going but still want to spread the word

2) if you're on facebook, suggestions of pages to look at and possibly befriend:
conspiracy of venus
alemany farm
earth share of california

thanks, & happy thanksgiving!!


ps - please pass this list on

Friday, November 7, 2008

events! & petition to re-open proposition 8

hello everyone,

some updates & events...

things to do as a result of the election:
sign this petition to re-open prop 8 for CA then pass it on. every CA resident signature counts.
check out !!!!! yay Obama !!!!!

please check out this article (featuring Alemany Farm!) that was just published in the SF Bay Guardian: Just Food Nation by Christopher Cook

and, as always, events:

friday 11/7

prop 8 protest (starting at Market and Seventh - Civic Center - to Dolores Park) 5:30pm.

restorative yoga class w/ kate! at bernal yoga 7:30-9:30pm.

people people, La Plebe, Shotwell, & Black Rainbow play music in celebration of the birth of Diamond Dave... free! at a flowershop (992 Peralta) 8pm.

botticellis, Minipop, Birds & Batteries, & DJ Vin Sol. also free! at the independent on divisadero. recession proof party! 9pm.

saturday 11/8

yoga workshop - twisting: releasing the spine, accessing the organs w/ tony briggs at the yoga loft. (321 divisadero @ page) 12:30-6pm

sunday 11/9

in search of good food bike ride #2!!!! (16th & mission BART station) 11am-3pm.

alemany farm workday & special event in collaboration w/ greenfest. medicinal herb garden tour & hands-on workshop. practicing using herbs for first-aid remedies & DIY herbal health care w/ herbalist Cara Saunders of Bear Wallow Herbs. Free Event! Donations are welcome. All participants will get a FREE ticket to the San Francisco Green Festival. Contact: Cara Saunders, Bear Wallow Herbs to RSVP

clothing swap in the east bay around 3:30. details here (if you have a facebook page) or email "Jamie Freedman" <>.
monday 11/10

raw/vegan friendly potluck at the caretakers house (848 divisadero) 7:30pm - bedtime.

tuesday 11/11

community yoga at the caretakers house (848 divisadero) 5:45 arrive. class is 6-7:30.

next weekend friday 11/14- saturday 11/16

let me know if you want more details for any of these events, since i didn't elaborate as much as usual!
hope to see you soon,